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FreeLife’s three randomized, doubleblind and plaebo controlled clinical trials November 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — vitality4all @ 7:27 am

Whom shall we trust? Two wellknown scientists, Amagase H, Nance DM and Rick Handel, the website, the company FreeLife who produces GoChi and also Himalayan Goji Juice or Dr. Paul Gross who wrote 2008-11-10, “Scientific Invalidity of the FreeLife GoChi Juice Study: A Model Critique for Industry”.

Reader’s of the blog  about his doubts regarding the three randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials with GoChi need to know that he is involved with the company ‘Berry Wise’ which is selling all kinds of berry products.

His financial interests might be very much affected by a product that is backed by clinical trials. The readers need to know that  the website (search: GoChi), which is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, lists this clinical trial. I assume that any clinical trial that is listed there has to be done in the correct way. Check it yourself.

There is a German saying “Viel Feind viel Ehr” in Englisch “Lots of enemies lots of honour.” … no wonder there is no other juice out there with which these kind of clinical trials were done.

FreeLife put 10 years of research into GoChi. Do you really believe they would do that when any gojiberry variety (dried or as juice) or wolfberries would bring the same results.

There is no doubt that berries are very healthy. The reason is most likely that berries are harvested when they are ripe and therefore contain more nutrients than a fruit that was harvested unripe. I always pick blackberries and bluberries and put them for the winter in my freezer.

But these berries do not have the special bioactive polysaccharides of the descendents of one goji berry variety have. There are especially 4 and a lot of research was done with them; search in for lycium barbarum.

One can also put in the searchbar together with lycium barbarum a healthproblem one is interested in and see whether one gets a result.                                             I had this smart idea a month ago just write ‘lycium barbarum and then for example diabetis’ results.

When yu truly want to know what is possible drink for 90 days 4 ounces daily and see what happens. FreeLife has a 90 day money back guarantee. Do not take any other supplements to get an objective result. Many have forgotten what it means to be full of vitality, happy and a sharp mind.

Drinking Himalayan Goji Juice since August 2004 I have experienced more energy, better sleep, disappearance of a cataract, disappearance from spider veins, disappearance of a wrinkle that had just started, a varicous veine is also much much better (only a blue shadow) constant detoxification of my liver (lead, mercury, formaldehyde and a toxin that was in a woodpreservative I had used for two houses)… I can observe it because the little blood blisters on my body disappeared and/or become smaller.

In this time of economic uncertainty it is so important to stay healthy and with GoChi it is really fairly easy. Prevention is always the best way.  I  heard yesterday in the radio that some Americans already cut back on their medication; which can be quite risky. Actually I make always sure to have at least 3 boxes in my house for myself.

By sharing the knowledge about GoChi with others one can actually get it  for free. All you need are 8 friends who drink it too. In case you are entrepreneurial minded check this out





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