
Just another weblog

Dr. Rath’s Scientific Discovery on Heart Disease April 12, 2009

Filed under: Health,Heart Health,More Energy,Wealth,Weightloss — vitality4all @ 3:52 am

Dr. Matthias Rath has made scietific discoveries that rank among some of the most important ever made in medicine.

Coronary Heart Disease Is an Early Form of Scurvy
Dr. Rath’s research reveals that coronary heart disease occurs exactly for the same reason that clinical (early) scurvy does – a deficiency of vitamin C in the cells composing the artery wall. Humans, unlike animals, develop heart disease because their bodies cannot produce vitamin C. The average diet provides enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy, but not enough to guarantee stable artery walls. As a consequence of vitamin C deficiency, millions of tiny cracks and lesions develop in the artery walls. Subsequently, cholesterol, lipoproteins and other blood risk factors enter the damaged artery walls to repair these lesions.

In the case of chronic vitamin deficiency, this repair process becomes continuous. Over the course of many years, atherosclerotic deposits develop. Deposits in the arteries of the heart eventually lead to heart attack; deposits in the arteries of the brain lead to stroke.

Dr. Rath identified and our research has proven that atherosclerosis is nature’s plaster cast for weak and cracked arterial walls that are chronically deficient in vitamin C and other essential nutrients. One of these nutrients is the amino acid lysine. Lysine is called an essential amino acid because, similar to vitamin C, it cannot be produced in the human body. Lysine, together with another amino acid, proline, is the main component of collagen. These two amino acids comprise about 25% of all amino acids in the collagen molecule. A deficiency of lysine and proline can also trigger blood vessel wall weakness and instability.

Research and clinical studies conducted by Dr. Rath confirm that the most important function of vitamin C in preventing heart attacks and strokes is its ability to increase the production of collagen, elastin, and other reinforcement molecules in the body. This groundbreaking discovery in heart disease should be taught in every medical textbook and school and explains why other cardiovascular conditions, including heart failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and circulatory problems in diabetes, occur in the case of long-term vitamin deficiencies.
from the website
In this article is not explained that natural Vitamin C consists of ofer 12 components. Ascorbic Acid is one of them, but it needs the others so that the body can utilize it, herefore we have diarrhea when we take too much ascorbic acid
It is the best to eat fresh fruits, to drink juice from fresh lemons, or …
to check on my website with information about GoChi. It is made from the descendants of one specific variety of FRESH goji berries. These berries contain a lot of vitamin C … more than oranges.
Dr. Oz mentioned on the Operah Winfrey Show twice the benefits of goji.
GoChi is the only goji product available that is standardized and backed by three double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials. 19 benefits in 30 days.

Because of GoChi’s 19 benefits it is very interesting as a residual income source.
Imagine that the company has a weight loss product that also contains GoChi.
More on my website

Anna Christine Doehring


Marketing Heaven – A Healthy Energy Drinky February 3, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — vitality4all @ 5:33 am



Wonderful when driving long distances. Every truck driver should have a box in his truck.

You’ll feel alert, focused, and ready to go without the jitters and the later sugar crash that can come from drinking high-calorie canned energy drinks

Who benefits? Athletes, truck drivers, all shift workers, surgeons, CEOs, polititians and managers who are all day long in meetings, everybody who went dancing and has to function the next day …

Haven’t heard yet from tired men, but when I would be a man I would try it.
Actually it would be better to drink on a regular basis GoChi. I remember that one of the doctors said about the 30% less potent Himalayan Goji Juice that it helped with other bedroom activities than sleeping … always wanted to ask him whether he meant ‘watching TV’
More info on this site
There may be other energy drinks, but there’s only one king of the mountain, and that’s Chi3 Energy. It’s the only energy drink powered by GoChi, the incredible goji berry super juice that’s been clinically shown to increase energy, fight fatigue, and improve mental function and athletic performance Go to and search for ……… GoChi

WHAT’S IN IT?Chi3 Energy is scientifically formulated to deliver smooth, long-lasting energy. Metabolism-enhancing B-vitamins and mind-nourishing amino acids are skillfully combined with a healthy splash of green tea and a full ounce of our proprietary GoChi to give you just the right lift.

Chi3 Energy Drink will become a clear choice for thousand seeking a safe and healthy alternative to the sugar and caffeine laden energy drinks already available in the fast growing Energy Drink Marketplace. It will become a market leader in the $5.7 billion industry in 2007.

The new Chi-3 (the 3 stands for Energy, Focus and Performance) comes in convenient 2 oz. mini bottles that resemble our GoChi bottles… They are beautiful and easy to hand out, sell, whatever you want to do, but even better then that, they’re easy to USE!
By the way, as an athlete you want a fairly empty stomach and no a gluck-gluck noise in your tummy.

People are already experiencing a suppressed appetite, which leads to easy and healthy WEIGHT LOSS and with the natural caffeine from Green Tea plus other vitamins and a full oz. of GoChi in every bottle easily makes this the number one energy supplement on the market.

Many people are under the misconception that Energy Drinks are only for the under 30 crowd…

I am drinking Chi-3 everyday other day because I do not eat a lot of meat and also to see whether lose weight. It surpresses my appetite and gives me the necessary B vitamins I need.

This is how you can create healthy weight loss by not OVER EATING. I know EVERYONE over 40 wants to lose at least 10 pounds, so you see we have the energy market with the 20-40 market and the healthy weight loss market with the 40 plus crowd

Actually everybody also seems to be tired …
We’re in MARKETING Heaven ( for lack of a better word)

The scientists were surprised about the weightloss because they had already finished the creation of TAIslim (tai=supreme, total and slim=looking great).

Just in case you are impatient regarding weightloss .. then go to
There you will also testimonies… and this drink is only since January 10, 2009 on the market.

This is a BIG chance to create a second income leg as a safety net in these challenging economic times … just in case …
Anna Christine


Lose Weight and Feel GREAT January 14, 2009

Filed under: Health,Wealth,Weightloss — vitality4all @ 3:58 am

New Triple Patent-Pending Formula

Mechanism of Action:

* Fights Abdominal Fat:
(1.) Decreases production of stress
hormones including cortisol.
(2.) Also contains plant enzymes to
block absorption of carbohydrates. Although any extra fat is
dangerous, science now believes that the largest health risk is when
fat accumulates deep within the abdominal cavity. A major study
reported recently in the “New England Journal of Medicine” concludes
that having too much of this ‘belly fat’ can actually double your risk
of dying from heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, and it can
triple your risk of dementia. And here’s the most frightening
statistic from this important 10-year study: for every extra 2 inches
(or 5 cm) around your waistline, you increase your risk of early death
by up to 17%!

* Helps Control Appetite:
(1.) Works in two areas of the brain
to fight food cravings and the urge to snack in between meals.
It also supports mood and attitude while losing weight. Must be taken
with at least one glass of water, which helps promote the release off
“I feel full” hormone; triggers feeling full earlier.

* Enhances Metabolism:
(1.) SAFELY increases body temperature
to burn extra calories for hours (thermogenesis). Use this extra
energy power for your workout; at least 30 minutes of exercise daily
like walking. (30 minutes of walking is like 30 minutes of running.)

* Cleanses and Replenishes:
(1.) Proprietary fiber complex that has almost 2 times
the amount of fiber as the average over the counter fiber product per serving, but “you won’t know you’re taking fiber”.
(2.) It will help to bind with food to decrease absorption.
There will be no insulin shock after the meal.
(4.) Has a gentle
cleansing action and helps with detoxification.
(5.) Helps eliminate
fat storing bacteria in your colon. This eliminates the bad bacteria
restoring the good bacteria. This
is very, very important and puts us well ahead of the competition.

Once you loose the weight and the inches, you only need to drink 2 oz
a day for maintenance.

Listen to the call with Chief Product Officer, Rick Handal at 800-795-0222, Option #3 and
CEO Ray Faltinsky, Option #0,
or Dr. Sandy, a nutritionist for over 30 years at 866-334-5344.
Watch a short video of FreeLife’s success over the past 14 years at

Enjoy! and call me for questions
More info on this webssite

27 Reasons to drink TAIslim every day.

Do you want to order it? YES


Announcing a New Weightloss Program for January December 17, 2008

Filed under: Health,Wealth,Weightloss — vitality4all @ 6:35 am

This might be interesting for entrepreneurial minded people who know the weight loss industry was a $57,000 Billion industry in 2007 and is up to $61,000 Billion in 2008!

Already the energy drink Chi-3 is also helping people to loose weight big time. A lady  started drinking Chi3 8 days ago and   is on  cloud 9! She said she didn’t   even drink it faithfully, and went and  weighed   herself after her husband and two sisters in separate instances  asked her what she was doing to loose so   much weight. So she went and  weighed herself and found out she had  lost 6 pounds and some inches without  even   knowing it. She bought 2 more cases of Chi3 and two more bottles of  Daily Edge, as she was using the Daily Edge also! She was very happy.

The key might be that she became alkaline. The thyroid gland needs an alkaline body to function perfectly.

Therefore we gain weight when we are very sad, that makes us acidic and the thyroid is not functioning properly.

  Chi3 is an energy drink in an industry that was a  $1 Billionin dustry;
that  is now up to $5 Billion, and so on will be a $11 Billion industry.

Chi3 works  within minutes for most people, and lasts for hours.
People  are noticing the  energy uplift and loss of weight.
A husband  lost 9 pounds in 7 days and his wife  lost 6.
He drinks a 2 oz bottle one hour after breakfast and one hour after  the noon meal.
She drinks 1 oz or a half bottle after breakfast and after lunch.

 After levelling off for one week he is now dropping more pounds!

 He was told if he would walk a hour a day, he will loose even more weight

Daily Edtge is surely a “health food store in  a bottle”!
It truly is the most powerful daily multi-nutrient supplement  you’ll find anywhere at any price! I could tell the difference within days.  It is formulated to provide the perfect blend of 66 of Nature’s most
 scientifically proven vitamins, minerals,co-factors, antioxidants, and
 food-derived, health rejuvenation nutrients. More info. This is a brief unofficial summary about a new weight loss  program

   PROGRAM:  This is a weight loss program, not just a product.  It
 includes adding calorie cutbacks along with exercise, our product, and  plenty of water for ideal results. One  fourth of every bottle  contains GoChi.

 Release: The official release date of information will be on January 10th.
 It should be ready for shipment by  January 20th.

THREE patents pending on this product!  Backed by science and scientific studies

 Liquid delivery system for fast absorption.

 Cost:  About the same as GoChi.

 Supply: Shipped as four 1 liter bottles.

 Dosing: Take two ounces with breakfast and two ounces with
 lunch…along with 8 oz. of water.  For faster results, take two oz.
 with supper also.

 Taste: Pleasant


        Fights Abdominal Fat:
(1.) Decreases production of stress  hormones including cortisol.
 (2.) Also contains plant enzymes to  block absorption of carbohydrates.

        Enhances Metabolism:

(1.) SAFELY increases body emperature  to burn extra calories for hours (thermogenesis).
Use this extra  energy power for your  workout;at least 30 minutes of exercise to  include walking.

        Helps Control Appetite:

(1.) Works in two areas of the brain to fight food cravings and the urge to
snack in between meals. 
(2.) It also supports mood and attitude while losing weight.
(3.) Must be  taken with at least one glass of water, which helps promote the  release of CCK–  “I feel full” hormone

      Cleanses and Replenishes:
(1.) Proprietary fiber complex that  has almost twice the amount of fiber as the average over the  counter  fiber product per serving, but “you won’t know you’re taking fiber”.
 (2.) It will help to bind with food to decrease absorption.
 (3.) There will be no insulin shock after the meal.
 (4.) Has a gentle cleansing action and helps with detoxification.
 (5.) Helps eliminate fat storing bacteria in your colon. This eliminates the bad bacteria  restoring the good bacteria.

In short, this is a great time and opportunity for people who are looking for a ‘second leg’ to stand on just in case one loses the job by participating in the weightloss industry.
Please contact me for questions

Anna Christine Doehring



The REAL Great Depression November 30, 2008

Filed under: Health,Wealth — vitality4all @ 12:16 am

Anna Christine Doehring

The following e-mail I got recently from Harv Eker… and reading that I had to think of a doctor’s or naturepath’s comment, can’t remember exactly, who said that when we start antidepressents we lose our ability to think clearly.

That made a lot of sense to me.

Before taking antidepressants we have to remember that we can cry. Tears actually release our stress hormones. Therfore we not only cry when we are sad, we also cry when we feel overpowered or kind of desperate when we are not understood.

I truly believe it is better to cry for days, to go every day for a LOOONG walk, and to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

“Hi Anna Christine Doehring,

I’ve noticed something recently…  When things start going all wacky with the economy, you suddenly hear people mention the Great Depression… 

They whisper it’s name, like some evil creature whose name must not be mentioned…

Well, I have news for you.  The Great Depression is already here, and it’s been here for a while. 

And the sad thing is that it has nothing to do with economics, stocks, the housing market, or anything else that you may hear about on TV.

The most clear evidence of the Greatest Depression to ever hit this country has been during it’s times of plenty. 

This Greatest Depression that I’m talking about has overcome our culture, REGARDLESS of what is in their bank account.

It seeks them out in their homes, at their jobs, in their schools. 
It doesn’t pay attention to race, religion, sex, or financial status.

This Greatest Depression is depression itself. 

People are concerned about the economy, yet the use of anti-depressant medications have been at an all-time high during years when we experienced phenomenal economic growth and an unprecedented real-estate boom.

There’s no point to having success and money, or a strong economy and housing market, if your life is miserable.

Now I don’t want to make anyone even MORE depressed than they may already be, so I’m going to cut to the silver lining…

It DOSN’T have to be like this… Not for one more day.

Let me explain…

I ’m not a therapist, but I believe that if you are or have experienced depression, that it stems from a number of things… 

One of the primary factors is a lack of balance.  This balance must be struck between your mental, physical and emotional life. 

If you are overly focused on one aspect of this equation, and not taking care of another aspect, the resulting imbalance will begin to skew your perspective on life.

This skewed perspective can shift your mental attitude away from the natural, child-like default of positive, confident and optimistic.

And the danger with depression is that the more depressed you get, the more your perspective on things becomes dark and depressed, which makes you even MORE depressed… This creates a self-perpetuating cycle that tends to deepen with time.

That’s the BAD news.

The GOOD news is that there is a lot of research on how to eliminate depression and achieve true happiness, once and for all.

In her book “Happy for No Reason”, Marci Shimoff cracks the code to achieving and keeping happiness in your life…

She discusses the differences between how naturally happy people think, and how depressed, pessimistic people think.

She also provides you with fantastic tools to habituate the kind of thinking that will keep you positive, productive and HAPPY.

We had the opportunity to have a great chat with Marci recently, and in this talk she reveals some of the secrets to her own Happiness, and some of the short-cuts you can start taking IMMEDIATELY to counter depression and start feeling happy RIGHT NOW.

Go check out this fantastic presentation with Marci right now.

No matter where you’re at in your life, I really believe that it’s EXTREMELY important for you to have this part of your life handled. I want you to go and listen to this information so much that, if  you’re not already a Rich Life Club member, I’ll give you a free month’s membership to try it out, just so you can go and listen to Marci right now.

You literally have no reason to wait.

Sign up for your free month here:

After you’ve signed up, you can view the presentation with Marci Shimoff here:

From where you’re sitting, it may seem unrealistic when I tell you that you can be happy regardless of your financial situation… That’s something that RESULTS will show you more than any words… So go and listen and try the things you learn… Let the results speak for themselves.

Just remember… The GREAT Depression isn’t a financial state… It’s a mental state.

If, like the majority of people, you haven’t dealt with this part of your life, PLEASE go and listen to this presentation right now.
I look forward to talking with you again soon!

For Your Freedom,

 harv sig

T. Harv Eker


Anna Christine Doehring                                                                          250-756-2235


Predict your Financial Future in 5 Minutes November 12, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — vitality4all @ 4:21 am

Anna Christine Doehring   – Nov. 11,2008

Part of a letter from T. Harv Eker from Millionaire Mind 

“I’m a bit famous for making the statement “Give me five minutes and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life.”

This may sound a little funny… like I’m sitting at a crystal ball with tarot cards or something… I can assure you that I don’t claim to be a wizard or genie or even the slightest bit psychic…

So how can I make this kind of a promise?

Because I know something that most people don’t… 

I know that inside of each person’s mind, there is what I like to call a “Financial Blueprint”, which outlines their way of looking at the world, money and themselves…

There is a mental blueprint that each person has in their own mind, and that blueprint governs the way they think about success and money.  What I suggest to you is that you’ve contacted me looking for advice on wealth and success because your OWN financial blueprint isn’t working out…

The good news is that, while the way you currently think about money is probably holding you back, it’s something that we can work on and change!

You see, when most people decide that they want to get wealthy, they go out and try to change the most obvious things in their lives…  They try to FORCE different results in their lives by taking different actions that they think will lead to success… 

On the face of it, that sounds pretty logical, but it focuses on the symptoms without dealing with the actual problem…

Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sending you tips, techniques, principles and secrets that I’ve found extremely useful in reprogramming your own internal mental blueprint for wealth, happiness and success.

But it all is built upon one single very important principle:

Wealth Principle: The Process of Manifestation

It sounds complex but it’s really a simple equation:

T → F → A = R

That is: 

Thoughts lead to Feelings

Feelings lead to Actions

Actions lead to Results

Your financial blueprint is made up of your thoughts, feelings and actions…  These are what bring you your results.

The way you think about things defines how you will feel about them…  How you feel about them influences how you choose to act…  And how you choose to act ultimately determines the results you get.

So if you want to change your results, you have to go back to the ROOT and change your thought patterns…

But what determines how you think about things?


Just like a little computer, as a child you learned particular ways of doing things, some of which were passed down from your parents and teachers and friends, and some of which you discovered through your own trial and error.

However you got it, your own personal program determines your particular way of thinking… and it is THAT mindset is what ultimately determines the results that you produce.

So if you want different results, you need to run a different PROGRAM.

With this in mind, the ‘new’ equation for the Process of Manifestation looks something like this:

P → T → F → A = R

That is: 

Programming leads to Thoughts

Thoughts lead to Feelings

Feelings lead to Actions

Actions lead to Results

Now that we’ve identified WHERE the problem lies, the next step is to start CHANGING the programming…

This is the very beginning of a process that I’ll be stepping through with you on changing your mindset from that of mediocre results, (or even failure), to a mindset that will yield wealth and success…  A Millionaire Mind.

Hopefully you went out and got that journal that I mentioned because this week I’d like you to take some time and think about programming that you have that may not be working for you. 

We’ll be working on replacing that with MUCH more productive programming in the coming weeks…  The first step is to simply become aware of what it is that is not working for you that you want to replace…….……………………………….”
For Your Freedom,
Harv Eker   

   “The Secret Psychology of Wealth”
Clicking Here                                                                                            



FreeLife’s three randomized, doubleblind and plaebo controlled clinical trials November 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — vitality4all @ 7:27 am

Whom shall we trust? Two wellknown scientists, Amagase H, Nance DM and Rick Handel, the website, the company FreeLife who produces GoChi and also Himalayan Goji Juice or Dr. Paul Gross who wrote 2008-11-10, “Scientific Invalidity of the FreeLife GoChi Juice Study: A Model Critique for Industry”.

Reader’s of the blog  about his doubts regarding the three randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials with GoChi need to know that he is involved with the company ‘Berry Wise’ which is selling all kinds of berry products.

His financial interests might be very much affected by a product that is backed by clinical trials. The readers need to know that  the website (search: GoChi), which is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, lists this clinical trial. I assume that any clinical trial that is listed there has to be done in the correct way. Check it yourself.

There is a German saying “Viel Feind viel Ehr” in Englisch “Lots of enemies lots of honour.” … no wonder there is no other juice out there with which these kind of clinical trials were done.

FreeLife put 10 years of research into GoChi. Do you really believe they would do that when any gojiberry variety (dried or as juice) or wolfberries would bring the same results.

There is no doubt that berries are very healthy. The reason is most likely that berries are harvested when they are ripe and therefore contain more nutrients than a fruit that was harvested unripe. I always pick blackberries and bluberries and put them for the winter in my freezer.

But these berries do not have the special bioactive polysaccharides of the descendents of one goji berry variety have. There are especially 4 and a lot of research was done with them; search in for lycium barbarum.

One can also put in the searchbar together with lycium barbarum a healthproblem one is interested in and see whether one gets a result.                                             I had this smart idea a month ago just write ‘lycium barbarum and then for example diabetis’ results.

When yu truly want to know what is possible drink for 90 days 4 ounces daily and see what happens. FreeLife has a 90 day money back guarantee. Do not take any other supplements to get an objective result. Many have forgotten what it means to be full of vitality, happy and a sharp mind.

Drinking Himalayan Goji Juice since August 2004 I have experienced more energy, better sleep, disappearance of a cataract, disappearance from spider veins, disappearance of a wrinkle that had just started, a varicous veine is also much much better (only a blue shadow) constant detoxification of my liver (lead, mercury, formaldehyde and a toxin that was in a woodpreservative I had used for two houses)… I can observe it because the little blood blisters on my body disappeared and/or become smaller.

In this time of economic uncertainty it is so important to stay healthy and with GoChi it is really fairly easy. Prevention is always the best way.  I  heard yesterday in the radio that some Americans already cut back on their medication; which can be quite risky. Actually I make always sure to have at least 3 boxes in my house for myself.

By sharing the knowledge about GoChi with others one can actually get it  for free. All you need are 8 friends who drink it too. In case you are entrepreneurial minded check this out





Hello world! December 22, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — vitality4all @ 8:57 pm

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!